Acceptance of self.

Have you ever truly loved someone? A partner? A Friend? Family etc?

You acknowledge their flaws but love them regardless, why? It’s because you understand that the inevitable nature of mankind is not ‘perfection’, but continued growth and effort. You ‘believe’ that they are capable of being that caring person, of being successful, of being compassionate, righteous and so on… So why is it so hard to love yourself?

We strive so hard to knock ourselves down based on our shortcomings that we have no energy to work on them or to appreciate our good points. The world knocks us down enough, we don’t need to add to it.

Just like those we love, we too are prone to making mistakes, but as someone dear to me once said “you can’t love someone else fully until you learn to love yourself – or at least find a source of self-respect within yourself”. I.e. You can’t pour from an empty cup.

It sounds odd as first since “love yourself” sounds narcissistic to some, but it’s not. It means to have given ourselves some self-worth, to appreciate that you are flawed but to also appreciate that you can grow.

When we’re too busy hating ourselves, we have no mental energy to truly love another, because each time we taste that love we become too self-obsessed with “why I don’t deserve it”, “why I’m too messed up”, “why I’m not enough”, “why I….”

… Me, me, me….

Acceptance – the key to moving forward from anything. To accept the truth about a situation and then to apply two ingredients to the mix to begin the journey to growing is how we move forward. Discipline and consistency.

Learn to respect yourself, so that you may have enough room to begin sharing that love too.

Internal Supernova

We need more truth in the world – be it hurtful or affectionate, a painful truth is better than a beautiful lie. In the long run, it is more beneficial for all involved.
Words can have a powerful impact on others, however, without any actions or foundation to make those words binding, words can also be heart breaking.


To hear empty words can be more soul-shattering than never having heard them.


We live in a world of false ‘I love you’s, false gratitude’s, false comraderies and false promises.


Many people live in a state of constant silent pain due to being surrounded by people who claim to love them, and yet feel more lonely than they would have without those people around.

Many people pretend that everything is ok, and utter words of affection they truly, deep down, do not believe – however, deep down, they also know that the person they are saying this to knows… The ears can hear something, the mind can register it, the heart can even hope it to be true… but the soul (from where spouts that raw, pure instinct) can taste the bitterness of those empty words.
Yet, false smiles mean deeper heart ache for longer.


To be told a bitter, painful truth can cause soul-shattering pain for a while… but to live a lie is to live a torturous death every day. You lose who you truly are, and live in a constant state of insecurity, loneliness and darkness.


If the truth means to hold on tight, then hold on like it means your life, and if it means to let go and set one another free, then do so, so that both sides have a chance to find a place that they can truly feel loved, wanted and at ‘home’.


Also, we need to stop kidding ourselves. We do not hold on in empty, false relationships (of whatever kind) to avoid ‘hurting the other(s)’ involved… it’s done because we become cowards. We are afraid of change, we are afraid of a life where you don’t have even a false place to feel ‘there’, we’re scared of not feeling wanted (even if it is to be false), we are afraid of not being able to find that home.
But the truth of the matter is… you never had one to begin with.


I ask you all, dig deep within yourselves – touch those parts of your soul that burn your essence so that you may discover the truth – and ask yourself if it is true.
If you can honestly say with your heart and soul that it is, then tell them. To those whom you love that you love them.
Due to fights, arguments, distance, silence and more, people can become afraid to utter words of love or affection in fear of getting hurt – it’s a defence mechanism… but love is not supposed to be a war, my dears. If your walls are going up, then allow that love to bring them down.
Before it gets to that point where lack of affection causes the loss of all feeling, tell them.

If your soul tells you, an echo from deep inside, that it is not true… then tell them.
This may sound hurtful, horrible, even cruel, but what’s even more cruel is for someone to live on in a deception of being loved when they are not.
Allow your souls to speak now, so that decades are not wasted in a limbo of heartache and pain.


I have always been some to promote love and unity, but by saying the above it does not mean I am doing the opposite. If anything, exposing a truth allows for people to break those chains that were often hidden away or avoided, and set themselves free.

Love is such an easy word to throw around nowadays… but just because it’s used often, doesn’t mean that it should lose its true meaning.


There is no love without respect, without trust, and without honesty.


If you truly love someone, then tell them, and allow it to show through your words, your tone, your actions and your convictions.


Heart supernova.jpg

(Image from

Help save the Syrian Refugees

Hello my fellow ninjabeans! Following on from one of my previous Facebook posts (which can be found here) about the heart wrenching situation taking place for the Syrian refugees fleeing from a war torn country, I thought I might try a little something to help in even the smallest way possible.
A friend of mine and I decided to raise some funds for Human Appeal (Refugee Crisis), my part being by putting up the new limited edition “World Warrior” T-shirt.
If you were interested in donating to a charity, why not donate as well as get a t-shirt too ^^

The world needs more heroes! Please do feel free to share and spread the word too! The campaign will run for 3 weeks from yesterday, and will only be successful if the target goal of purchases is met (I tried to be very realistic with the number! Every penny counts, afterall!)
Let’s spread some of that human compassion ^^
All profits will be donated to Human Appeal.


Call of the Clyde

Port Glasgow

The mists that veil your towering mountains, envelope my mind;
a mother’s embrace.
The colours that paint on your canvas of valleys, nourish my spirit;
prisms of light.

The winds that carry your tales and melodies, caress my heart;
enchanting whispers.
The rivers that write of your boundless strengths, fortify my will;
a shield of hope.

I hear your call, your beckoning voice, each day when I am afar;
my dearest.
I feel your pull, your ethereal touch, beseeching for my return;
“come home”.

Within me you shall always remain as a beacon of love, a compass;
my freedom.
To you, I belong, like a leaf from your branches, a child of the Clyde;
your flower.

Oh land of the brave… I am a warrior… your thistle.

Image and Poem © Naziyah Mahmood, 2014

Whispers of the Sunrise


Deepest slumbers, gently nudged, by the softest voices of my travelling conscience;
“Awaken, my sweet, come to prayer, come to salvation”
The words rolling through the skies, over the hills of atonement.

Fading moon, rising sun, light kisses on their mutual passage through time;
“Cleanse your soul, illuminate your being, I am waiting”
A gap in the dawn, veiled by the radiance of His Majesty and Grace.

Silent struggle, standing tall, ascending towards self purification;
“Spiritual cleansing, physical ablution, absolved from worldly bounds”
An incandescent aura, emanating from every limb and every motion.

Open soul, intimate words, a liberation through prostration;
“Free yourself, share your tears, I am here”
An elevated state, reached through the humbling gestures of adoration.

Rising up, heart content, facing the day with a reinforced hope;
“I am with you, I have always been with you, and always will be”
Sweet whispers of the sunrise that ready me for my lifelong journey.

“…I am here”

© Naziyah Mahmood, 2014
(Image taken from


(It’s a bit late, but this is written as part of the Daily Post: Daily Prompt – New Dawn: How often do you get to (or have to) be awake for sunrise? Tell us about what happened the last time you were up so early (or late…).)

La Luna

Moon Reflection

From behind the curtain of flowing clouds, a face illuminates my heavens, my dreams;
Each beam, a finger, extending down to my soul as my beacon of breath and freedom.
Purest light, washing through my core and deep within my being – set me free.


The silent melody, sweetest notes, carried upon your white radiation lifts my spirit;
You envelope me, I gently float, carried across the realm of dreams and light.
Celestial incandescence, hold me close in this lovers embrace – liberate my heart.


As you sing to me through your heavenly whispers, I dance upon the cosmic rivers;
Each step causing gentle ripples on the fabric of time, my reply to your silent flutter.
Gentle radiance, caressing me softly in this heavenly waltz – we become one.


Each twirl, arms extended, I lose myself to this mystical sway, your hypnosis;
With each breath, I exhale my very spirit to join you on this midnight promenade.
Exquisite luminescence, lightly kissing my every forgotten hope and pain – I am yours.


On this one night, we live for millennia, your everlasting hold on every corner of my mind;
Elevated, I glide, across the rays of your wondrous gleam, brushing them with my touch.
Sparkling effervescence, orbs sliding through my fingers – your mesmerising gift.


Slowly but softly, I am placed on my side, my soul still swaying to the echoes of our journey;
Your light slowly fades, leaving me at rest in this warmest of slumbers, this trance.
Waning midnight lantern, I shall see you again, I shall be here tomorrow – wait for me.




© Naziyah Mahmood, 2014.
(Image taken from
(Also shared on )

Happy Eid!!!

Happy Eid!

To all my fellow bloggers (celebrating or not!), just a quick message to say I’d like to wish you all a fantastic Eid day!

As the celebration of Eid-Al-Fitr marks the end of Ramadhan (the Islamic month of fasting), let’s not forget to carry on our hard efforts to be better people for the rest of the year too.

As we celebrate, let us remember to make a special prayer for all of those people who go through pain, suffering and oppression every day.

We are so incredibly lucky and blessed to have everything that we do; knowing that we will be presented with tables worth of food, safety, security, love and peace isn’t something that everyone is blessed with.

We are truly lucky.

Every time Ramadhan ends, I tend to feel a bit down because of how much I know I miss the blessed month. The peace, blessings, mercy and strength that come with it all make it feel far too short, I can’t believe it passed so quickly.

Ramadhan… If God wills, I will see you in one year, my friend.

(Image found through a random search, I can’t locate the source, but words added by myself).

It’s a Girl!

(Written as part of The Daily Post: Daily Prompt – Adult Visions: As a kid, you must have imagined what it was like to be an adult. Now that you’re a grownup (or becoming one), how far off was your idea of adult life?)


It's a girl!
I would like to announce the birth of my beautiful baby niece, born Tuesday 22nd July, to all of my fellow bloggers and readers!
This is the first grandchild on our side of the family, and so my family and I are incredibly excited and full of joy!
(My sister and brother in law are still at the hospital, and so I am yet to hear all of the details; possible name choice, weight, time of birth etc.)

As I sit here in my sister’s house, waiting for my new niece and her parents to return home from the hospital (I’ve secretly decorated the house in anticipation of their arrival!) I found it almost ironic that the question posted in today’s Daily Prompt was to do with childhood.

In reflection of the current moment of joy, I’d like to address the question in the most fitting manner possible, as a quick letter to my niece.
I will most likely write a longer and more meaningful letter in the near future for her (maybe even a quick video!?), but this will have to do for now!


To my beautiful, my beloved, my darling,

As I sit here in your future home, anxiously awaiting your arrival from the hospital; I find my mind to be a complete jumble of things I’d like to tell you. Where could I even begin!?

You, my precious, have been born into a world that has many faces; many beautiful, some terrifying, and others confusing.
Just as I discovered through my own growth and years, the steps you now take will be instrumental in shaping the beautiful woman you will become, and I have no doubt that you will blossom into the most beautiful of flowers.

God has blessed you with wonderful parents who have loved you long before you were born today, and I know that you will be surrounded by the safety of their love and compassion for the rest of your life.
Your mother – my older sister – can be a little demanding! So you must learn patience, my sweet. However, I have seldom met anyone as caring, loving and thoughtful as she, and so I know you will cherish one another, even in those moments of naughtiness and yelling!
She will be the arms that give you warmth.
Your father – who is truly like a brother to me – can, at times, be somewhat abrupt! So you must learn compassion and empathy, my dear. He is a man of strong values and virtues with a heart of gold, and I am proud that he was the one to have taken my sister’s hand in marriage.
He will be the guardian that protects you.

You have loving grandparents from both sides, who are all so very happy to have you with us, and many proud aunties and uncles.

Your mother and I have always had a special bond, one that went beyond just sisterly love. She was my best friend, my confidante, my shoulder to lean on and was always like a mother to me.
For this reason, my dear, I will not only be your embarrassingly proud Aunty Naz, but I will be your sister, I will be your friend, and I will be your partner in crime!
(To be honest, I’ll probably be the one hiding behind you every time we do something naughty! At least I now have a side-kick!)

Unlike many children around the world, you have been blessed to be born into the safety and warmth of a loving and secure home. No matter how bad a circumstance may be, always remember that you are so very blessed, and very deeply loved.

I hope to see you grow into a wonderful and inspiring woman, one who will always stand by the truth and what she believes to be right.

No matter how many people stand against you, always stand by the truth, my love.
No matter how many people stand with you, always remain humble in your actions and words.
No matter how much the World may try to pull you down, always stand by what is true and just.
No matter how much the World gives you, always strive to become better than yesterday.

Hold strong to faith and frequently remember your blessings, for you are wonderful.
Hold dear the morals and teachings that make us better humans, for you will shine bright.
Stand strong in your convictions and adhere to righteousness, and you will defeat the doubts.
Stand strong in your love and devotion, my sweet, for you will conquer fear.

You have been born into a warrior cast, so always fight for justice but spread only love and peace.
As you grow, open your mind to all the beauties of this universe, and travel through its wonders and marvels on the wings of your imagination, for it is a powerful tool.

This is a world in which people can often give in to the pressures of society and their peers, and it can often happen without us even realising. Do not ever be afraid to be yourself, my darling, because there is only one of you on this planet, and as such needs to be known.
You are amazing just as you are, so just be you.

Always remember, my darling, that you are loved. You are loved by Allah, by your wonderful parents, by your loving grandparents, and by many who would happily cross the world to be by your side.

You are loved by this crazy, sugar-addicted, sword swinging, cosmic travelling, over-talkative, and embarrassingly proud Aunty Naz.
Our family has always been small, but our bonds have always been tenfold as strong for that reason.

In ten to fifteen years from now, when you read and understand these words, I pray that we will be so close that you will be reading the words aloud to me as I brush your hair or paint your nails.
(Keep in mind that I’m the cool aunt!)

Enjoy every moment of your childhood, and should you ever need someone to turn to, always know that He (the Almighty) will be with you always, and that I will always be looking over you.

You are beautiful.
You are exquisite.
You are blessed.
You are sensational.
You are truly unique, my sweet.

… You are loved…
I love you, and you are always in my heart.

Your crazy Aunty Naz.


(Witten as part of The Daily Post: Daily Prompt – Fearless Fantasies: How would your life be different if you were incapable of feeling fear? Would your life be better or worse than it is now?)


I fear not this world
Nor its oppressors, tyrants
For He is with me

© Naziyah Mahmood, 2014.
(Image from )


(Written as part of The Daily Post: Daily Prompt – Frame of Mind: If you could paint your current mood onto a canvas, what would that painting look like? What would it depict?)



My Reawakening

Omnipotent Salvation

To Thee I submit

© Naziyah Mahmood, 2014.
(Image from )