Stand As One

There is so much pain and darkness in the World nowadays, and it’s easy to feel so incredibly low when we’re inundated with information about the tragedies around us.

More innocent teens were slaughtered in Gaza.
Innocent worshippers were shot down by a gunman in Pittsburgh.
An entire neighbourhood was demolished with the people in it in Syria.
More clashes between citizens and refugees have broken out in Germany.
Politicians brimming to the lid with hate, bigotry and oppressive views have taken presidential seats.
The list goes on and on and on…. Tirelessly… It’s tiring.

The worst part? There are countless oppressions taking place in ‘every’ place and we just never hear about them.

I had a friend approach me earlier in a very low state and she spoke of how hearing about certain tragedies has almost made her lose hope.
I understand, my lovely, I really do.

It’s ok to feel low and down, but it’s more-so important that we also look to the good in the World. Yes, it is important to know about what is happening in order to take appropriate actions, but also praise the good.
The media, which is where we get the majority of our information, has a habit of showing us the negative, sad news most of the time, with positive or inspiring articles only thrown in from time to time.
For many media outlets it’s very much about reporting only about ‘certain’ tragic events too and blanking others which are more numerous in number due to their own agendas. Whether we like to admit it or not, media bias IS a thing.
This also includes the power it has to influence people.

Just as we hear about the many painful tragedies, there’s also always great things happening too which we, as a human family, need to celebrate and bring awareness to too.

In light of the horrific murders in Gaza, more voices than ever are being shared in regard to bringing an end to the senseless oppression.
In light of the terrifying tragedy in Pittsburgh, the Muslim community there came together to raise money for the families of the deceased, and opened their arms to support them as their human siblings.
The atrocities taking place in Syria has opened the eyes of many across the globe and has urged many to dig deep inside of themselves to do what they can, regardless of the obstacles, to try to help those in need there.
The clashes in Germany during the refugee crisis has now given the chance for two groups or nations of people to try to stand together in solidarity. There will always be issues that arise that must be tackled, that is inevitable, but by standing together they can now change the outlook and misunderstandings they may have had of one another. To understand. To love. To learn.
The number of hateful people coming into seats of power is mind-boggling (to say the least) but let us also look at the positive steps being taken in political ways in other places that will bring a positive change to the people.

None of these good deeds are there to detract from the pains of the tragedies and nor do they undermine their severity, of course not. They stand instead as a symbol of hope for this human race to show that where ever we may find evil, there are still good people willing to stamp out that fire and plant new seeds to help bring life to the place once again.

It’s so painful and tiring and heart-breaking; it can really leave the soul feeling so broken.
However, if we give up on a hope that IS there but we just can’t see, one that needs our support, then those efforts of hope will begin to diminish.

We as the people are the majority in comparison to those who commit the heinous crimes and those who create the laws (which too can be morally wrong). Our voice combined is the loudest and most powerful, but that means sticking together as human brethren in solidarity against hate in all of its forms.

When we see a few individuals doing something horribly inexcusable, it is our duty to not allow our internal bias to get the best of us. It is our duty to not let ourselves doubt entire nations of people due to the unforgivable acts of a few from them because chances are that there will have been similar cases of people committing crimes from our own communities too. Does that make you and I bad people? No. It is our duty to also stand up for one another when we see injustice (be it by a whisper or a ground-breaking sound).

You who are reading this right now are no different from me. We both have hopes and wants, and we both hurt inside when we feel pained. We both have beating hearts and blood that runs through our bodies.
Regardless of how our bodies are decorated, where we are born or what our way of life may be, as long as we are not hurting others you and I are one and the same.
It’s about time we recognise that and begin to act as a family.

So to my beautiful friend who found herself feeling so low from the tragic state of the Earth, take a look… Look, my darling, at all the wonder and compassion and love that too exists.
Use it as your driving force and always remember that the darkness will begin to diminish when our lights shine brighter.

Don’t let that fuse go out, lovely… You got this… We all do
